Tuesday, May 10, 2011

concentration frustration

meow! it's finals! I'm having a difficult time focusing on my work... I've always been really good at studying for school, but because of all the new meds in my system and exhaustion from the anxiety, I've had a hard time staying awake, let alone concentrating. regardless, I have a constitutional law exam tomorrow and I need to start studying. like, now. I don't even know what time it's at. checking.... oh thank god it's at 2 pm and not 9 am. AHHH. that would be bad. alright so I can stay up late to study. phew. but my reaction to all the material right now is as follows: oh boy.

my depression keeps going in waves of good and bad days. the bad thoughts aren't gone, but they are slightly less salient with each passing week. I really, really want to be home right now, but I'm going to use these last two weeks at school to finish getting better. I'm gonna do it.

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