Thursday, May 5, 2011

hit the books

so, I'm currently a sophomore at a university that has really fantastic classes. but for the past month, I've been totally distracted from everything academic by this crisis. not only is it hard to focus, but being depressed made me question the point of school, classes, tests, etc. is it real knowledge? I'm still not quite out of this mindset. I used to really love school... it provided a lot of enjoyment and sense of accomplishment for me. but now I'm struggling to regain that sense of fulfillment I used to get from my classes.

to top it off, I've fallen a little bit behind. not to the point of failing... I've made sure not to slack off too badly, but I'm not as ahead as I'd like to be, and exams are coming up. now I'm faced with a language exam where I haven't been actively practicing the language for quite some time and a law exam where I've been falling asleep in my textbook all semester. shoot.

where do I go from here? not sure. but I've got a presentation in a few hours that I've got to rehearse. I just found out today it had to be memorized... oops. ("oops" has been the center of my life lately.)

but on the bright side, my mood is definitely better than it was a week ago. despite still struggling with the same issues, attitudes, and compulsive thoughts, I am more of a functioning human being than I was last week. huzzah!

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