Sunday, May 8, 2011


there's a reason thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I really like being reminded that there are things in my life to be thankful for. although it's off-season, I thought I'd make an ongoing list of things that I'm thankful to have and experience. I started a list like this in my journal a few weeks ago, and it made me feel a little better (but not much). so I'm going to try it again here, where I can easily edit.

these are in no particular order. there is no special significance to any place on the list.

my teddy bear/stuffed animals, my warm bed, breathing, my pretty clothes, books, color-coordination, friends, magnolia trees, warm bread, bikes, naked juice and apple juice, my mom, my dad, crisp fruit, my sister, cooking, my dog Baby, jewelry, cool shoes, my boyfriend, architecture, the money I can use to afford treatment, my house and room, the wonderful life I was given, all 4 limbs, 2 eyes, and 20 digits, health, being here right now, the school I go to, film and DVDs, arrested development, children, a strong support system, rain when it cleans everything away, my phone, big pillows, the way my boyfriend smells, blankets, warm hugs, yellow flowers, art, music (good stuff!), all the love in my life, surprise gifts, spring winds, letters, beaches and the sun, thank-you notes, the color blue, giving notes, cuddling/love, my body, puppies, hearts beating, my eyes, kitties, kisses, my hair, indoor plumbing, bubble baths, soft tissues, perfumes, body wash, showers, bubble tea, coffee, thai food, the sims, languages, cultures, vacations, naps, sleep, dancing, swimming, lake michigan, liberation, history, sugar, ibuprofen, wikipedia, the internet, first snows, long summers, nights where it's still light out really late, sunsets, sunrises, cool grass, green leaves, running and feeling powerful, tennis, white wine, my computer, mirrors, introspection, possibilities, ice cream, headbands, sprinklers, water, hands to hold, knowledge to find, search engines, forgiving past differences, coming home, planes, trains, taxis, public transportation, cars, concerts, festivals, laughing, being silly, lips, teeth, the human ability to be mindful, evolution, growth, change, constancy, the past, the future.....

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